Monday, September 26, 2011

Something in the Air

There has been a strangeness in the air for months now.... a sort of heavy, somber, impending doom, this weather is all wrong, kind of feeling.  It's not just the weather though, for when you looked at how I described the time period it was emotion.  It has been strange indeed; full of harsh, unexpected break ups, fall outs in families you thought couldn't be touched, devastating illnesses that involve entirely too much sleep.  No, I'm not describing my life, actually I'm talking about the various blogs and forums, and social networks, I've been reading for months.  They are each filled with some kind of tale over the last 3 months of heart wrenching double crossing.
However, when I woke up this morning, in the wee early hours about 4:30 am, I couldn't get back to sleep for a bit and I just lay there enjoying the storm.  There was something so cleansing about it, as though it were sweeping away all the bad things that have happened since the spring.  All I know is there is a profound feeling of relief as I look at the steel grey sky and falling rain.  As grey as it is, this day is perfection.
I'm no expert in the stars, but I would have to say that something was misaligned somewhere, somehow and it took a good cooling autumnal gale to blow those nasty old cobwebs away, and return things to the usual upsets that I know how to deal with.  I'm just so happy to feel like things are going to be OK again.  My life does not feel stuck and I can move forward.  The funny thing with that statement is it has occurred in many forms over the last couple of days in emails, blogs, and other social networking forums all over the internet.  Now maybe things will start to get completed and I can once again know what it's like to feel like I've actually accomplished more than a load of dishes.

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